Model who turned down Cristiano Ronaldo says her boyfriend is no longer a fan of footballer

The stunning 22-year-old's boyfriend was a Madrid fan but after this he's not

The model who spurned Cristiano Ronaldo has revealed her boyfriend is no longer a fan of the footy star.

Aline Lima- who lives in Australia – claimed the Real Madrid player tried it on with her after she contacted him regarding a fan letter from her man Alex.

But instead of being interested in making a life-long fan of his happy – he was more bothered about getting the brunette beauty to meet up with him.

Today the stunning promo model took to Instagram to set the record straight about her story.

She wrote: “So I just wan to make things clear for all these people saying I was seeking attention or whatever.

“I would never do something like that just for publicity, if I want to get famous one day I’ll do it by my hard work and not with a story like this.”

Aline then went on to reveal that is was boyfriend Alex who had spilled the beans.

“My boyfriend is actually the one who told the media and I don’t blame him, as he was clearly was so disappointed at the fact Ronaldo didn’t care about him, a fan of Ronaldo’s since he was a kid,” she said.

“ I wish this story wasn’t out there but I can’t do much about it now.

“P.S: Alex is no longer a fan of Ronaldo’s, of course.”

Over the weekend we revealed that the Portuguese international ­flirted with the Aussie brunette while his club were on a tour Down Under.

When Aline learned that Ronaldo was in Oz, the Brazilian-born model and make-up ­artist sent him a message on Instagram, asking if he had ­received a fan ­letter from her boyfriend Alex.

But replies from the 30-year-old turned racy, as he asked her in their native Portuguese: “Can I have a photo when you are in the gym?”

When she told him: “No, my boyfriend would not be happy”, Ronaldo boldly replied: “No one knows, baby. Quiet.”

He added: “I do not show anybody.”

But the former Manchester United ace was stunned when the 22-year-old model continued to refuse his ­requests, replying: “Seriously?”

After asking for her mobile number, he went on to offer her tickets to see him play at the Melbourne Cricket Ground, where his Spanish side took on Manchester City in the recent International Champions Cup.

Later she asked whether there was any chance for her superfan boyfriend to meet the star while he was in Australia.

But Ronaldo made it clear he only wanted to meet her alone.

In further exchanges via the mobile phone messaging service WhatsApp , the player replied: “Yes, beautiful. But it is difficult. I do not want to know man. I want to meet you.”

The exchange comes after Ronaldo was caught by his former girlfriend Irina Shayk, 29, swapping raunchy messages with several women.

It is understood that Ronaldo ­confessed to flirting with dozens of women around the world but offered ­“little excuse” to Irina, who ended their five-year relationship.

The Russian model reportedly told a friend: “Now I know the truth and I feel completely betrayed.

"I trusted him and stuck up for him when there were rumours he had been with other women. I feel stupid that Cristiano fooled me.”

She has since dated Hollywood star Bradley Cooper, 40.

Ronaldo has been spotted partying while out in Australia, raising ­eyebrows with his behaviour at a club in Victoria where he enjoyed the company of scores of women.

As Ronaldo left, onlookers say his security team insisted on watching the club’s management delete their CCTV footage of the VIP area where he had been sitting, fearing his antics could be revealed and embarrass him.

Ronaldo did not reply to the Sunday People's requests for comment.

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